The abstract submission is now open for the ESREL 2019 organised by the Institute for Risk and Reliability, Leibniz Universität Hannover under the auspices of the European Safety and Reliability Association (ESRA) and in collaboration with the Association of German Engineers (VDI), the Liverpool Institute for Risk and Uncertainty, the Shanghai Institute of Disaster Prevention and Relief, the Leibniz Research Centre Energy 2050 (LiFE 2050), and the Confucius Institute Hannover.
The objective of ESREL 2019 is to provide an all-round inspiring environment and a multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of knowledge and expertise on theories and methods in the field of risk, safety and reliability, and on their application to a wide range of industrial, civil and social sectors and problem areas. This range is structured into 19 methodological topics and 23 application areas and sectors.
Papers presented at ESREL 2019 will be published in open access conference proceedings by Research Publishing Services, Singapore, and be indexed.
Post-conference special issues in indexed journals will be prepared based on extended versions of papers selected from the conference.
We would be very pleased to receive your valuable contribution and to welcome you at ESREL 2019!
Important Dates:
31st October 2018: Abstract submission deadline
30th November 2018: Notification of acceptance
28th February 2019: Full paper submission deadline
31st March 2019: Notification of acceptance
30th April 2019: Final revised paper & registration