Energieforschung@LUH Research
Electrical power engineering

Electrical Power Engineering

Electrical Power Engineering is a research area at the University of Hanover that focuses on the expansion of the electricity-based energy system. This includes areas such as electrical machines, power electronics with their converters, high-voltage and grid technology, electrical energy storage systems and electrical process technology. The transformation of the energy system towards regenerative sources means that electrical energy technology is becoming increasingly important, as it is required for the provision of electrical energy, its transportation and intermediate storage as well as its application. Whereas in the past, rotating masses in thermal power plants played a major role in achieving grid stability, converters will increasingly take on these tasks, for example for connecting wind farms, PV systems and e-charging stations.


Selected infrastructures and laboratories related to electrical power engineering

Selected projects from the field of electrical power engineering

Showing results 6 - 10 out of 24

Entwicklung und Erprobung eines einstufigen Axialturbinen-Abgasturboladers zur Aufladung eines mit Lambda = 2 betriebenen Ottomottors im Bereich des Worldwide Harmonized Light-Duty Vehicles Test Cycle (WLTC)

Seume, J. R.

1 Apr 202231 Jul 2024

Project: Research

New operation modes of modular multilevel converters with output voltage modulation significantly reducing the module capacitor requirements - II

Mertens, A.

1 Apr 202231 Mar 2025

Project: Research

DC power supply

Ponick, B.

1 Mar 202231 Dec 2026

Project: Research

BiNOred: Verbundvorhaben: Hocheffiziente Biogas-SCR-Systeme; Teilvorhaben 1: Experimentelle Untersuchung der Eindüsung von Harnstoff-Wasser-Lösung für SCR-Systeme von Biogas-BHKW

Dinkelacker, F.

1 Mar 202231 Dec 2024

Project: Research

Heisenberg Professorship: Artificial Intelligence at Engineering Assistance for Sustainable Building Design

Geyer, P. F.

1 Jan 202228 Feb 2026

Project: Research