LUT/LUH Market Place „Energy Research” Cooperation

Background and Objective of the Event

Energy research is an important research focus at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Techno­logy (LUT) and at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), offering an interesting potential for future joint research activities. Both institutions are members of the recently founded Alliance “European Universities Linking Society and Technology” (EULiST).

The present event is intended as an initial step in this direction. Specifically, we want to achieve the following goals:

  1. Overview and exchange of information on current work in the field of energy research and identification of starting points as well as opportunities for cooperation
  2. Presentation and exchange of new research ideas and other joint fields of activity in the field of energy or related to energy research and finding the necessary partners to initiate new projects and provide impetus to start bi-/multilateral activities
  3. Getting to know each other personally/networking with each other so that the right people can also come together at the right time outside of such events

Participation/Registration and Meeting Preparation

If you want to attend one (or more) of the meetings please register by 2. 9. 2024 latest.

  • Registration is still open for the 2nd and 3rd workshop: You are still welcome to register with a presentation.
  • The information for the first workshop has been sent to the participants. The dial-in data for the web conference was also sent with it. If you are missing anything, please send a message to
  • To test the web conference function, you can dial in 30 minutes before the workshop.

During registration you can decide for each of the meetings whether you want to join as a visitor only or if you want to become a presenter in one of the communication rounds (see above).

In case you decide to present, you are asked to prepare a 1 min “standup” pitch talk (without slides) and a little slide deck for the subsequent breakout-part.


If you wish to make changes to the submitted title and/or poster after registration, please send a message to

The meetings/workshops are free of charge.

Online Cooperation Workshops in September 2024

  • Concept of the Event and Structure of Meetings

    The event consists of three separate online meetings. Each meeting is dedicated to a specific set of topics:

    Meeting 1: 11.9. 9:00-11:00 a.m. (CEST)

    • Energy “Production” Technologies
    • Energy Application Technologies for Mobility, Heating and Industry
    • Methods: AI/Machine Learning, Digital Twins, …

    Meeting 2: 20.9. 9:00-11:00 a.m. (CEST)

    • Energy Distribution Infrastructures, including Energy Storage
    • Digitalisation in Context of Energy Systems
    • Transformation Pathway, Energy System Analysis

    Meeting 3: 24.9. 9:00-11:00 a.m. (CEST)

    • Society
    • Environmental Aspects, Life Cycle/Engineering
    • Economics, Management, Financing
    • Politics, Legislation/Regulation

    You are free to choose which/how many of the meetings you would like to attend. The decision should be made according to your research and collaboration interest.

  • Working Format

    The structure of the individual meetings is based on the World Café method - A World Café is a structured conversational process for knowledge sharing, in which groups of people discuss a topic at several small (digital) tables like those in a café.

    The participants can take in each of the meetings two different roles: a) presenter or b) visitor. Presenters get the chance to briefly pitch an idea or a topic in the plenary parts of the meeting in order to get in touch afterwards with other persons, being interested in this topic.

    Each of the three meetings is structured as follows:

    • Welcome, Overview and Instructions (5-10 min)
    • Communication Round I (35 min)
      • Plenary Part: Series of short pitches by presenters (1 min each); based on these pitches all other participants (= visitors) decide which breakout-rooms they will visit in the subsequent part
      • Break-out Part: Opening of digital breakout-rooms – Individual exchange between presenters and visitors
    • Communication Round II (35 min), analogue to round I
    • Communication Round III (35 min), analogue to round I

    Closing remarks (5 min)


LUH: Prof. Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach, Dr. Volker Schöber,, +49 (511) 762-4230

LUT: Prof. Olli Pyrhönen, Prof. Mari Kallioinen-Mänttäri, Janita Rahikainen (, Siiri Mertakorpi (