Energy Research Day

Current results from the university's interdisciplinary energy research will be presented at Leibniz University Hannover's Energy Research Day. Scientists and interested parties are cordially invited to participate in order to present their research results and expertise and to support networking. Posters will be set up in the atrium of the main building.

The aim of the event is to stimulate exchange and inspiration in research as well as to improve personal encounters and stronger networking across faculty boundaries. In particular, this event format promotes interdisciplinary exchange and networking between young academics at the University of Hannover in order to intensify the discourse between all subject areas. It also provides impetus and inspiration for new research approaches and projects.

LiFE 2050 invites on a yearly base to the "Energy Research Day" in the atrium of Leibniz Universität Hannover. Here, current results from the interdisciplinary energy research of the university will be presented. In addition to the LUH research partners, interested parties from the public, economy and politics are invited to get an impression of the current energy research and to establish contacts.